Welcome to my blog! It is a place for me to share my ideas, experiences, projects and struggles.
Who am I

I’m a second year student studying Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of Toronto. Currently researching at Wainberg Lab studying machine learning application to finding causal genes of GWAS studies.
Why make this blog?
Over the years, many ideas and desires have fallen flat on the floor because I’ve had nowhere to express them. In a blog, I have a place to share what I like to do, which hopefully accentuates my motivation in all these aspects as well. I have realized that under extreme policy, many of my passions go undiscovered. Therefore, the blog will give me a reason to pursue them, for the interest of sharing it with others.
In addition, a blog serves as a record of what I have done. It is very insignificant for me to say I am interested in a subject, or I am proficient in a skill if I have nothing to show for it. It is almost like a public journal! Which is very helpful, because for some reason, I have never been able to keep a journal routine before. Writing is both a very useful skill and also one of my least developed. Well now I have a place to fix that!
Over the years, I have found out that there are so many avenues of interest that I have abandoned with no trace, because I was not committed enough or I lost motivation. A blog also can immortalize these aspects of my life, and give every little side interest a productive end goal, i.e. an article on my blog!
What is on this blog?
This blog contains anything that interests me, anything that I have done that I am proud of, and basically anything I want to share with the world. Mainly, I will be talking about projects I am in the process of completing, or have completed. Projects in progress serve as development logs, and projects I have finished usually contain reflection about lessons and further ideas.
However, I am also very interested in learning about weird and sometimes very complicated things. The blog will serve as a great place to put all of my thoughts on these topics, as well as how I understood it, which may or may not be different from other people’s explanations.
Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to what is on this blog. I assure you that there are most definitely a lot of articles about computer science projects and math, but I do not know where I will delve into in the future. I already know that I will explore fiction writing and physics, which are definitely not the norm!