Mason - a short story

Mason - a short story

Here’s a short story I wrote. Let me know if you have any feedback!


Tuesday morning. The father prepares the bread to sell. The mother prepares the shop for opening. Mason gets himself ready. Mason goes to school. He hates school. He comes back, the father’s off work to play with his friends. The mother is busy selling the last of the bread. He does his homework. Tuesday evening. Tuesday night.

Wednesday morning. The father is passed out on the couch. The mother is furious. No bread is cooking. The store is not open today. Mason goes to school. He hates school. He comes back, the house is messy. The furniture is moved. The father is off to find a place to sleep for the night. The mother is on the couch. He does his homework. Wednesday evening. Wednesday night.

Thursday morning. The father is back to prepare the bread. The mother prepares the shop. They don’t talk. Mason goes to school. He hates school. He comes back, no one is there. He does his homework. Thursday evening. Thursday night.

Friday morning. Yelling. Arguing. The bread is forgotten again. Mason goes to school. He hates school. He hates yelling more. He stays longer. He comes back, the mother is crying. The father is stone cold. Mason doesn’t have homework. He sits in his room. Friday evening. Friday night.

Saturday morning. People in suits come over. They talk a lot. Mason hates the way they talk. He has no school. He sits in his room. The day is too long. He hates long days. Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening. Saturday night.

Sunday morning. The mother forgets to take Mason to church. He sits in his room. He hates long days. Sunday afternoon. The mother sits him down to talk. She tells him to pack up because they are leaving. She says that he will see the father less often. Mason knows what is going on. Mason hates being treated like a child. He packs up. He leaves. He hates leaving. Sunday evening. The car ride is long. Sunday night.

Monday morning. The mother tells Mason he is going to a new school. Mason hates school. Mason hates new schools more. Mason hates it all. Mason goes to school. Mason has no friends. Mason wants to go home. Mason has no home. Mason goes back. Monday evening. Monday night.

Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday evening. Wake up Mason. Tuesday night.

Wednesday morning. The mother comes back. She asks why Mason did not go to school. Mason hates school. She tells him to go to school. Mason hates school. She forces him to go to school. Mason hates school. He goes to school. He goes back. He hates school. He doesn’t do his homework. Wednesday evening. Wednesday night.

Thursday morning. The mother tells Mason he’s going to daycare. Mason doesn’t like daycare. Mason hates being treated like a child. The mother forces him to go. Mason goes to morning daycare. He goes to school. He goes to afternoon daycare. He meets Timmy. Timmy says that he is Mason’s friend. Mason has a friend. Thursday evening. Mason goes back. Thursday night.

Friday morning. Mason goes to daycare. Timmy is fun. Timmy goes to school. Mason goes to school. He hates school less. He is happy. Mason likes short days. Friday night.

Saturday morning. The mother is around less. The father knocks on the door. He wants to take Mason back. Mason is confused. The father says he can live with Mason. The father says that they can relive the good old days. Mason didn’t have good old days. Mason doesn’t want to go back. The father tells him that he’s too young to understand. The father tells him to pack and leave. Mason hates being treated like a child. Mason hates leaving. Mason wants to stay. The father is strong. Mason leaves. Saturday evening. Saturday night.

Sunday morning. The father takes him to church. They teach Mason to be appreciative of his blessings. Mason does not feel blessed. Mason goes back. Mason doesn’t know what to do. Mason wants to see Timmy. He can’t see Timmy. He sits in his room. Mason hates long days. Sunday evening. Sunday night.

Monday morning. The father prepares the bread to sell. Mason gets himself ready. The father tells him that he is a changed man. The father tells him that life will be better. Mason does not know what has changed. The mother enters the house. Men in suits follow her. They yell. Mason hates yelling. Mason sits in his room. Mason does not go to school. Mason hates school anyways. Monday evening. The father and the mother sit Mason down. They tell him that they are going to try again. For the child. Mason hates being treated like a child. Monday night.

Tuesday morning. The father prepares the bread to sell. The mother prepares the shop for opening. Mason doesn’t get ready. The mother asks him why. Mason hates school. The mother is furious. The mother yells. She says she’s doing all this work for Mason. She says Mason should appreciate it more. She says that it is all for Mason’s childhood. Mason hates yelling. Mason doesn’t feel blessed. Mason hates being treated like a child. Mason wants to see Timmy. Mason wants all days to be short and fun. Mason doesn’t want to leave. Mason wants a home. Mason wants less yelling. Mason wants to not be treated like a child. But Mason is a child and Mason can’t say these things. So Mason goes to school.

He hates school. He comes back from school.

Tuesday evening.

Tuesday night.